It's record store day (RSD) people! So stop by your local record store. My fave RSD was at
CD World here in Eugene (they do sell plenty o' vinyl despite the name) when they asked Frank Black (of Pixies and now "This is 40" fame) to stop by. I think there were only about 150 people there as he wailed away on his guitar singing and playing a lot of oldies but goodies. His voice is still so versatile.
We love our music and Mr. Monkey especially loves his vinyl. So a few years ago I picked up a record player for Mr. Monkey's birthday so he could break out the high school and college record collection. It was a relatively inexpensive gift that allowed him to clear out a bit of space in the garage. Ever since then the records have been living in a card box that I covered with cute fabric. Recently our favorite local store
Oak Street Vintage posted this lovely audio credenza on their
Facebook page. I sent a FB message over to Cora, she sent back the dimensions and I knew it would fit. I gave her a phone call and she placed it on hold for us so that we could come on over that evening! Who knew shopping by Facecrack could be so simple! (Did I mention OSV is having their annual Earth Day Sale - so stop by the shop tomorrow or Monday). The little credenza fit in the back seat of the car! Once we got it home the perfect match magic continued. The top even opens so that we can have easy access to the record player! I'm happy because we have a tidy entertainment center that goes with our vintage style and Mr. Monkey is happy because he can get to his tunes. Next up is stuffing those pesky wires into the wall!