Next up is a fab modern house that we drove by in South Pasadena. Loveitloveitloveit! Thanks to Derek for passing on the pixs. I love the geometric aspect of this jewel plus of course the contrast of the dark wood stain and the white (possibly stuccoed) walls. It's flashy in a simple way. I'm not sure there is a specific genre that this fits in but I'm thinking - L.A. Modern (LaMo for short?). It reminds me of the "Houses We Love" section of
DWELL magazine except much more livable and aesthetically accessible by the average non-Modern loving individual. In fact there is a very close resemblance to these
twins in San Diego, just a couple hours south. Maybe LaMo needs to be broadened to SCM - So Cal Modern. Thoughts? Opinions?
P.S. There's a Part III that was a major highlight (apart from the modernly fabulous wedding we were at). I'll post that Wednesday evening!
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