Here are just a few more images we captured from our Seattle weekend that I thought other modern monkeys might enjoy! First up Super sweet vinyl chairs in the Experience Music Project (EMP) cafe. I love the the tan and black together. 
Next up - a spinning elephant! The sign and the car wash appear to be functioning.

Then we have a sweet store front off of Denny or was it Bellevue in the Capitol Hill Area. Anyway it's called the
Pretty Parlor and isn't it, though? I like their vision of retro pink. Check out their website & tag line "Where Audrey Hepburn meets Judy Jetson."

While we were walking around downtown looking for a lunch spot we came across this tape measure! We were in a rush so I didn't stop to notice what the building was and if the oversized tape measure was related in anyway to the function of the building or if it was just there for fun and not function.

And then there was this crazy kinda subversive "fun house" mascot. He was a little freaky looking - you can understand how it caught my eye. We also thought it was cool how prominently they were advertising for their RollerGirls. We have several
RollerGirls teams as well that are pretty amazing! But nowhere in Eugene can I think of a big sign like this other than at the RollerGirl Store -
Emerald City Skates. I love Eugene because we do contribute a lot of crazy for a little city but it's always refreshing and stimulating to head to the big Emerald City.

I love that giant yard stick. I think I need one of my own for my backyard. Scale 1"=1'-0"
I liked that there was no plaque or huge red flashing arrow (although that would have been cool too) pointing to this art piece. It just was there trying to blend in.