Let's just say I've been a busy girl over the past two days. We have a BBQ coming up and I'm thinking there will be about 30 people in attendance over the course of the afternoon and evening. So I figured out that our 8 seater was not going to cut it. I've been a mad woman on Craigslist - you saw the below patio set, right? Well I got new cushions for that set and I had big plans to sand it and possibly re-stain it but sadly, that did not happen. What will happen is a table cloth! Gotta love it. Now the set only came with 2 chairs so I needed at least another 2 chairs to fill it out. What you don't know is that the pillow cushions I purchase on clearance are robin's egg blue and latte brown. So you can imagine when I saw the Craigslist picture above of the piles and piles of blue chairs for $2 dollars a piece from the "Church Closeout" I thought my prayers had been answered - except that I had forgotten to pray - a regular occurrence now for too many years to count and except for the fact that when I went to check them out they were way filthy and all the seat bottoms were ripped with their nasty orange foam busting out. Yucko! But the lady was so nice and I felt bad for her so I took 2 of the best blue chairs I could find and 4 small children's chairs for a total of $10. She was willing to give them to me for less and asked me to take more but Mr. Monkey can only tolerate small amounts of junk at a time. So yesterday I stopped at JoAnn's fabrics and at the hardware store and picked up some fun colors for my kids set. The color scheme for the kids set was loosely based on this room from Domino Magazine. Partly because I already had a can of paint for the apple green color and the blues from the new patio cushions - anyway you get the idea. I'm trying to pull it all together. All I gotta say is: Prepare to be amazed . . . The finished products will posted this afternoon!

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