
Welcome to the modern side of Eugene!

Hi, all! Welcome to my blog based out of Eugene, Oregon. My goal is to show that even in a small city we have a growing group of creative people focused of great modern design. At the same time I'll be showing how I am decorating my first home along with my husband - who is the real monkey - with our Eugene resources and a limited budget. Basically I'm obsessed with decorating our home and this is an outlet for me to post pictures - before and after - and show off some of the cool design that is going on here in Eugene. I read Dwell, Domino, Ready Made, and Sunset and most of the locales in these magazines are based in the big cities. It's time to show that Eugene is more than its reputation of college-town with hippie highlights left over from the 60's. Much of Eugene is looking to the future with an emphasis on a healthy environment out in nature as well as in the home. Yes - it may be a trendy focus but it's been a constant in Eugene as long as I've been here (since 2001). I'll be doing a bit of traveling this month and I'll be sure to post pictures from my travels.  Cheers!

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