More pics from Taliesin . . .
This first picture doesn't really show how great this feature is but . . . I just love the built in indoor planter. In this case the planter separates the entry way from the living room.
Next up another picture of the living room furniture. This one shows off the coffee tables in the room. The other design principle that this picture highlights are the windows - notice how low they are - perfect for viewing the vistas from a seated position. Since in the living room we spend most of our time sitting the windows are placed low for viewing enjoyment. What a smart guy that FLW was!

Finally here is a picture of the front side of the dining room and main design studio. While the roof line was not conceived by FLW before he passed it was guided by his widow who was much younger and stayed on for decades after FLW passed. In place of the roof they originally had canvas. The architect appreciated the flexibility of the canvas; the fact that it could be easily taken down, rolled away, or stretched taut to provide shade was appealing. Another one of his innovative ideas was to place this pool of water in front of the large windows. This way when the wind blew in from the valley the pool acted as a passive air conditioner. I also love how the corner of the building matches the corner of the triangular pool and seems to reflect the shape of the building and the mountain behind. Much of the landscape was designed by Mrs. FLW. In this case it seemed that there was also a great woman not behind FLW but beside him - leading to some of the best ideas - like the use of glass for windows sometimes instead of canvas.

Okay I think that's all for my tour through Taliesin West. If you have a chance it's worth the drive out of Phoenix. There's so much more to see - so many great design ideas. Next up will be highlights from Arcosanti. . .
Sweet indoor planters!